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Downloadable Tool Sets

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Thought I'd share lots of downloadable tool sets and stamps from bluebeam for free!

Noel1478, I am a low voltage contractor. I recently started receiving requests for design builds and I'm having trouble finding tool sets for AV. Also I need to mention that I'm very new to Bluebeam. Can you point me in the right direction for something for AV symbols? Thank you

I'm pretty sure users are creating tool sets that could be useful to other users, and it's very easy to export and import tool sets, yet I can't find any site where people are uploading their tool sets for others to download.

Is there such a site out there? If not, why not? Why not right here? Bluebeam shut down their official forum, is that to prevent sharing items like this, are they actively preventing people from sharing?

Bluebeam itself has some toolsets for download.  Check them out at:

OrangeBlade also has some - you just need to sign up to access:

ArchToolbox sells some:

I've been in discussions as recently as last week with Bluebeam about their support / closed forum and I don't think they are trying at all to prevent users from sharing tool sets.

That's good to hear, and thanks for the links.


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