Bluebeam Revu > Revu Studio / Sessions

Can you review who has been alerted to markups in the Markups List?


I'm marking up documents and alerting team members to particular markups.  I can track the markups in the Markups List but cannot see who has been alerted to each markup.  Can I add a column for this?  It would be really helpful to see who has been alerted to each markup.  We're using Bluebeam Revu Extreme 2019.


Bluebeam And Burgers:
You can filter the Record section in the lower-left corner to only show Notifications. I think that will get you what you're looking for.

Piggy Back on B&B post:
See attached images for Notifications Filters and Reports.

In the report PDF you can then search for Attendee notifications.


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