Welcome! > Welcome!




I'm a self-taught programmer at my office and I've recently started looking scripting PDF documents: Forms and what not.

We have been using BlueBeam for a bit less than a decade and became "paperless" in mid 2013.

I code in python, C#, and soon enough Javascript.

I came here for your help and suggestions, but also to offer mine as well!


Welcome to the group!

Hi! I just joined the forum and did a quick search for "scripting".  That's how I found this post.  I'm wondering if you have had much luck here learning about scripting PDF documents and if you could point me to some good resources.  Basically I want to find out exactly what I can do. 

I am also a self-taught programmer.  I know some Python and C#, but very very little, only enough to get me into trouble writing some simple scripts.  I work mainly with Rhino and Unity. But at work I am helping out with some Bluebeam Revu/Studio workflows.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can provide!



Very happy to see a Bluebeam Forum after it was turned off.

Looking for people who are interested in aligning PDF instruction manuals with QR Codes via Camera, Point Clouds in PDF, Animations in PDF, and Bluebeam or similar as a bootable operating system with messaging.

Tall order: essentially an E-Reader, but running on a 96Boards computer and with Mixed Reality based instruction manuals.

Thank you for the forum.


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